# on a debian 9 fresh VM ssh -A intarnet@intarnet.fr # "fork" from CHD' git repos git config --global -e git clone root@chd.sx:/var/git/chd_gestion cd ~/chd_gestion/ git checkout a6104f4 git checkout -b cake36 editor app-from-scratch.sh # Adding notes progressively # env setup sudo apt --yes install php-cli apache2 libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring php-intl php-xml php-sqlite3 phpmyadmin mariadb-server unzip sudo a2disconf phpmyadmin sudo apache2 restart sudo mkdir /var/www/intarnet.fr sudo chown intarnet: /var/www/intarnet.fr # composer install wget -q https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar -O ~/bin/composer.phar chmod +x ~/bin/composer.phar echo 'export PATH="$PATH:~/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc composer.phar --version # Composer version 1.7-dev (006c921abde5a9fa5ec682014265e3203a0987b1) 2018-07-12 20:08:52 # cake install cd ~/chd_gestion/ mkdir fai_gestion yes | composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app fai_gestion ln -s ~intarnet/chd_gestion/fai_gestion/bin/cake ~/bin/ cd ~/chd_gestion/fai_gestion cake version # 3.6.7 # cake first start (embed webserver) cake server -p 8080 # from desktop linux : # ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 intarnet@intarnet.fr # firefox http://localhost:8080/ # -> everything green except database connection ^C # prepare for apache2 ln -s ~intarnet/chd_gestion/fai_gestion /var/www/intarnet.fr/gestion sudo chgrp -R www-data tmp/ logs/ sudo chmod -R ug=rwX,o=rX tmp/ logs/ # (cake bake runs with intarnet user, web served pages with www-data) # do NOT allow www-data write elsewhere sudo mv logs /var/log/fai_gestion ln -s /var/log/fai_gestion logs # apache2 vhost excerpt # Alias "/gestion" "/var/www/intarnet.fr/gestion/webroot" # # Options None # AllowOverride None # Require all denied # # # Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch # AllowOverride None # # AuthType Basic # AuthName "Partie privee" # AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwords/intarnet.fr/www_priv.passwd # Require valid-user # # SetEnv APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE fr_FR # SetEnv DEBUG true # # RequestHeader unset Proxy # RewriteEngine On # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f # RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] # sudo a2enmod env headers rewrite sudo service apache2 restart # from desktop linux : # firefox https://intarnet.fr/gestion/ # -> everything green except database connection cd ~/chd_gestion/ cat fai_gestion/.gitignore git add app-from-scratch.sh fai_gestion git commit -m "Cake 3.6.7 fresh install" # 4a3ec0ca3f7d0ca8776a6ee7f2a2615234395eb8 # Cake startup configuration sed --in-place -e 's#^/config/app.php#/config/app_credentials.php#' fai_gestion/.gitignore git add app-from-scratch.sh fai_gestion/.gitignore fai_gestion/config/app.php git commit -m "Config : add app.php to git without credentials" # 8d39eb3d5ad5baee721a2c6518a8429fb0cbd1bf cat > config/app_credentials.php <<"EOT" [ 'salt' => env('SECURITY_SALT', 'hexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexhexh'), ], 'Datasources' => [ 'default' => [ 'className' => 'Cake\Database\Connection', 'driver' => 'Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'my_app', 'password' => 'secret', 'database' => 'my_app', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'cacheMetadata' => true, 'log' => false, 'quoteIdentifiers' => false, ], ], ]; EOT cd ~/chd_gestion/fai_gestion/ editor config/bootstrap.php config/app.php editor config/app_credentials.php # choose real DB credentials now git add config/bootstrap.php config/app.php ../app-from-scratch.sh git commit -m "Config : database, salt, inflections, datetime format" # 7bf701764ff5661d053244b263cfe0be423faef5 # database init sudo mariadb --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf <<"EOT" CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS fai_gestion; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS fai_gestion_exports; CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'fai_gestion'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON fai_gestion.* TO 'fai_gestion'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EOT # database schema modifications # base on branch master (chd_gestion) 5709f164402a76dfd0e6ef098a45c73f976b48cd # Fixup list for ~/chd_gestion/schema/schema-mysql.sql # - sed -e 's/DEFINER=`gestion`@`localhost`/DEFINER=`fai_gestion`@`localhost`/g' # - change v_relais SQL SECURITY INVOKER to SECURITY DEFINER=`fai_gestion`@`localhost` # - move all views (v_*) in fai_gestion_exports because cake bake do bad things with them # - DROP TABLE tmp_mac_seen; # - DROP VIEW v_tmp_diff_seen_mac; # - ALTER TABLE adherents DROP num_adt_ttn; # - ALTER TABLE villes DROP tel_contact; # - ALTER TABLE equipement_modeles CHANGE modele title VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL; # - ALTER TABLE equipement_modeles ADD INDEX(title); # - DROP TRIGGER equipements_insert; # - DROP TRIGGER equipements_update; cat ~/chd_gestion/schema/schema-mysql.sql | sudo mariadb fai_gestion cat <<"EOT" CREATE TABLE lien_filaire ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, equipement_interface_id_1 int(11) NOT NULL, port_1 char(15) NOT NULL, equipement_interface_id_2 int(11) NOT NULL, port_2 char(15) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY equipement_interface_id_1 (equipement_interface_id_1,port_1,equipement_interface_id_2,port_2), KEY equipement_interface_id_2 (equipement_interface_id_2), CONSTRAINT lien_filaire_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (equipement_interface_id_1) REFERENCES equipement_interfaces (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT lien_filaire_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (equipement_interface_id_2) REFERENCES equipement_interfaces (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE lien_radio ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY title (title) ); CREATE TABLE lien_tunnel ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, endpoint_ip_1 varchar(39) NOT NULL, endpoint_port_1 int(5) NOT NULL, endpoint_ip_2 varchar(39) NOT NULL, endpoint_port_2 int(5) NOT NULL, equipement_interface_id_1 int(11) NOT NULL, equipement_interface_id_2 int(11) NOT NULL, tuntype varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'tun', daemon_options varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY equipement_interface_id_1 (equipement_interface_id_1,equipement_interface_id_2), UNIQUE KEY endpoint_ip_1 (endpoint_ip_1,endpoint_port_1,endpoint_ip_2,endpoint_port_2), KEY equipement_interface_id_2 (equipement_interface_id_2), CONSTRAINT lien_tunnel_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (equipement_interface_id_1) REFERENCES equipement_interfaces (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT lien_tunnel_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (equipement_interface_id_2) REFERENCES equipement_interfaces (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ); EOT cat ~/chd_gestion/schema/views-mysql.sql | sudo mariadb fai_gestion_exports cat ~/chd_gestion/schema/enum-tables-data-mysql.sql | sudo mariadb fai_gestion ( echo 'INSERT INTO ippubliques (ip4, ip6, secteur_id) VALUES' for i in $(seq 1 254) do [ $i -ne 254 ] && sep=',' || sep=';' printf "('185.131.43.%i', '2a03:a0a1:1:%x::', '1')$sep\n" $i $i done ) | sudo mariadb fai_gestion # Convert equipements.uplink tree to (equipement_interfaces, lien_cable, lien_radio, lien_tunnel) # - ALTER TABLE equipements DROP uplink_id; # - ALTER TABLE equipements CHANGE ipmgmt_id ip_management VARCHAR(39) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL; # - import PROCEDURE refresh_network_elt(IN root INT) # - TODO : work on fai_gestion_exports permissions # - TODO : dump everything cleanly then git # bake initial setup cd ~/chd_gestion/fai_gestion/ composer.phar require --dev cakephp/bake:~1.0 yes | cake bake plugin CustomTheme v=vendor/cakephp/bake/src/Template/Bake p=plugins/CustomTheme/src/Template/Bake mkdir -p $p/{Controller,Element/Controller,Model,Template} cp -a $v/Controller/controller.twig $p/Controller/ cp -a $v/Element/form.twig $p/Element/ cp -a $v/Element/Controller/{add,edit,index}.twig $p/Element/Controller cp -a $v/Model/{entity,table}.twig $p/Model/ cp -a $v/Template/{index,view}.twig $p/Template/ editor config/bootstrap.php config/bootstrap_cli.php # load the plugin only in cli mode git checkout -- config/bootstrap.php git add ../app-from-scratch.sh composer.json composer.lock config/bootstrap_cli.php plugins/ git commit -m "Bake : setup and create empty CustomTheme" # 31a40cfc446c9586f89a4aa69ef76d76d469e5a4 # Baking a cake (generate the CRUD) cake bake all --theme=CustomTheme --everything editor config/routes.php # -$routes->connect('/', ['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home']); # +//$routes->connect('/', ['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home']); # +$routes->redirect('/', ['controller' => 'Adherents'], ['full' => false]); # -$routes->connect('/', ['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home']); git add ../app-from-scratch.sh config/routes.php git add src/Model/Entity/empty src/Model/Table/empty tests/Fixture/empty git commit -m "first cake bake, auto-generated files not included for now" # 18507a4c76abad7cf5e6e9572137d0dc5a977fcc # Adding debug tool, tweaking date formatting editor config/app.php config/bootstrap.php git add ../app-from-scratch.sh config/app.php config/bootstrap.php git commit -m "Adding debug tool, tweaking date formatting" # eeb6aee61bc55a95a4d62d354f180d167c6a25fb # bake : Commit imported&derived files from bake to keep the diffs cp -a vendor/cakephp/bake/src/Shell/BakeShell.php plugins/CustomTheme/src/Shell/BakeShell.php editor plugins/CustomTheme/src/Shell/BakeShell.php git add plugins/CustomTheme/src/Shell/BakeShell.php git commit -m "bake : Commit imported&derived files from bake to keep the diffs"