SELECT as "svc_id", CASE YEAR(s.created) WHEN 0 THEN 'import-TTN' ELSE YEAR(s.created) END as "svc_annee_premiere_saisie", IF( ( '2015-01-01' < s.date_fin OR ISNULL(s.date_fin) ) AND '2015-12-31' > s.date_debut, 'oui', 'non' ) as "actif2015", IF( ( '2016-01-01' < s.date_fin OR ISNULL(s.date_fin) ) AND '2016-12-31' > s.date_debut, 'oui', 'non' ) as "actif2016", IF( ( '2017-01-01' < s.date_fin OR ISNULL(s.date_fin) ) AND '2017-12-31' > s.date_debut, 'oui', 'non' ) as "actif2017", IF( (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.modified) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-01 00:00:00')), 'jamais', s.modified ) as "svc_derniere_modif", CONCAT('CHD', as "adt", at.title as "adt_type", a.raison, a.nom, a.prenom, st.title as "service_type", st.prix_base_ht, s.prix_ht, p.title as "periodicite", s.date_debut, s.date_fin, sst.title as "statut", a.proprio, s.description, a.notes FROM services s LEFT JOIN adherents a ON ( = s.adherent_id ) LEFT JOIN adherent_types at ON ( = a.adherent_type_id ) LEFT JOIN service_types st ON ( = s.service_type_id) LEFT JOIN service_statuts sst ON ( = s.service_statut_id) LEFT JOIN periodicites p ON ( = st.periodicite_id) WHERE s.service_statut_id <> 1 ORDER BY,